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Data Privacy Compliance Pursuant to SB29
The Aurora School District is committed to ensuring that technology utilized within the District’s classrooms enhances learning while prioritizing the privacy and security of our students’ information and education records.
The Aurora City School District is required to provide annual notice to our families of the curriculum, testing, or assessment technology providers that affect a student’s educational records. Technology providers are defined to include any entity “who contracts with a school district to provide a school-issued device for student use and creates, receives or maintains educational records pursuant or incident to its contract with the district.”

By law, none of the technology providers are permitted to use student education records for commercial purposes or to share educational records except for compliance with fulfilling the contract with the Aurora City School District.
The Aurora City School District engages in a thorough process of review of the technology provider contracts to work to the best of its ability to ensure the technology providers are complying with state and federal laws as applicable, including, but not limited to FERPA (20 USC 1232g et al.), Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ORC §3319.321, ORC §3319.326.

The curriculum, testing, and assessment technology providers contracted by the Aurora City School District can be accessed via this Google Sheet.

If you wish to review the curriculum, testing, or assessment technology provider contracts, you can contact our District Technology Coordinator to set up a time to come in to review and inspect the contract. If instead, you would like to request a copy pursuant to O.RC. §149.43, contact    

If you have questions or concerns regarding the curriculum, testing, or assessment technology provider access to student education records, contact our Director of Curriculum & Instruction (